Anne Vollertsen

Grant Specialist

Some of Anne’s most formative experiences were at her family’s subsistence fish camp back home in Alaska. There, she learned the importance of wild places, strong ecosystems, and healthy communities.

While studying Political Science, Philosophy, Economics, and Sociology (PPES) at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, she focused her academic research on how language and concepts shape our understanding of climate, landscapes, resources, identity; and our collective or individual relationships to them. From there, she was inspired to work for several environmental nonprofits and political campaigns before finding her niche in grant writing, where she enjoys the ability to inspire connection between funders, their resources, and the incredible work nonprofits do every day––simply through the use of language.

Outside of work, she’s often trail running, skiing, on the river, gardening, or admiring homes on a neighborhood walk. New places, film photography, really good fiction, iced matcha, and the exchanging of stories bring her the most joy.