Grant Writing

monthly grant writing support

Want a grant master on your team?

Let us bring clarity and confidence to your grant writing work.

We provide continual services on a contracted basis to ensure your organization is always grant-ready, with a consistently updated grant opportunity list, a high-quality submission strategy, and expert grant writers working on your behalf to submit top-notch applications, bringing in a steady stream of revenue.

How We Can Help

With our six-month contract packages, everything is covered, from development of relevant grant opportunity lists to writing top notch applications, letting you focus on what matters most—the people your organization supports. Curious about what it looks like to hire us for continuous grant support? Check out the summary below (keep in mind, we bring SO much more to the table than we could ever list out on our website. Trust us, you’ll be pleasantly surprised).

01: Learn

First, we learn all about your organization from you. We sit down with you in person or online (via a Zoom call) for an intake call where we listen to your passion and commitment to seeing your nonprofit succeed. We want to know EVERYTHING, from mission and long-term goals, to nitty gritty financial history, to future plans.

02: Organize

We gather and comb through your files (while organizing them in one secure online space – because we’re type A like that). We’ll let you know what you still need to be “grant ready,” and we’ll collaborate with you to get those missing pieces in place. Funders love to see a strong evaluation plan, let us make yours shine.

03: Research

We hit the ground running with research, dive into our databases, and use our expert knowledge to find grant opportunities that are a good fit. We put important data from our research into your very own Funding Matrix (a detailed snapshot of all the grants that are a great fit and why) so you can see what you’re eligible for.

04: Strategize

Next, we take it one step further to add a submission plan to your Funding Matrix. We’ll take those great grants we found and map out which ones we’ll apply to when. This is where we get strategic about the upcoming months, your funding priorities, and which grants we’ll pursue for your organization first. We develop a plan for success!

05: Write

After a meeting to get your approval on our suggested plan of attack, we’ll start writing. We write letters of inquiry, full grant applications…you name it! We always give you a draft for review before submitting requests on your behalf. And, because we’re “ghost writers”, you’ll be the one that gets the good news first. After a meeting to get your approval on our suggested plan of attack, we’ll develop a customized Grant Answer Guide for you.

06: Manage

We help you give funders the most compelling application to start, follow up in a timely manner, and give them the best closing report they’ve ever seen. You’ll be so great, funders will wish other organizations were more like you! Lucky for them, your application will be top of the pile for their next funding cycle, because we never miss an opportunity.

Why Choose The Dotted i?

Expertise and Experience

At The Dotted i, our seasoned team brings years of expertise in grant writing and nonprofit support, with a proven track record of securing funding through compelling, well-crafted proposals.

Dedicated Support

When you choose The Dotted i, you gain a committed partner who becomes an extension of your team. With a Grant Specialist to assist you, you get personalized support throughout the entire grant application process.

Comprehensive Services

We offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the unique needs of each nonprofit we work with, including our Grant Readiness Checklist, an in-depth Grant Research Package, and our 6-Month Grant Writing Services.

Educational Resources

We provide valuable educational resources—including customized trainings, presentations, and online materials—designed to equip nonprofit leaders with the knowledge and skills to effectively navigate the grant landscape.

Customized Approach

We tailor our services to your nonprofit's specific needs, using insights from a 60-minute intake call to craft a customized grant seeking strategy that aligns with your goals and enhances your chances of securing funding.

Proven Results

Our clients have achieved tangible results with our services, raising over $11.7 million in 2023 to secure critical funding that advances their missions and drives their programs forward. Not to mention, the countless hours we’ve saved our clients!

Choose The Dotted i for expert guidance, comprehensive support, and a dedicated partnership that is focused on your nonprofit’s success. Let us help you turn your funding aspirations into reality.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“We have always been an organization that has struggled to get grants, both because of the nature of our work as well as our geographic location in Montana. We also have a very small team and rarely had extra time to do additional grant research. By working with the Dotted i, we have been able to add critical capacity to our development team in a way that fits our needs– we don’t need a full time grant writer, but we do need someone to help us out for 20 hours a month. Our Dotted i staff member feels like an extension of our staff in a way no other consultant has ever achieved. She is brilliant, a talented writer, a superb project manager, and has helped us get more grants than we ever thought possible. Our experience with the Dotted i team has been nothing short of exceptional and I give them my highest recommendation!”

—Emily Allison, Bridgercare

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