Hannah Cortez


Bachelor of Science in Child Development from California State University

Our resident extrovert and “Chatty Kathy”, Hannah is the queen of in-person meetings, attending networking events, and building relationships with our nonprofit clients. She loves to learn about how our clients want to change the world and is passionate about seeing projects succeed. Hannah has a background in human development, education, and community health which gives her a well-rounded approach to grant seeking for nonprofits and building relationships with funders.

She joined The Dotted i team in 2017 and supports nonprofits through thoughtful project development and successful grant writing. As the daughter of a journalist, her investigative spirit lends itself to thorough research and identifying the details that will really sell your organization’s story! Her passion shines when she’s educating others which is why you’ll often find her presenting at nonprofit conferences or leading one of our Mastering Grants Trainings.

Hannah is a Montana transplant originally from sunny California (not the Southern part, the middle of the state where happy cows come from!) Drawn to the sunshine, you can often find her hiking, fishing, camping, or enjoying a book in her hammock when it’s warm outside. When she’s not enjoying the great outdoors, in her free time you’ll find her spending time with family and friends or hunting down the best tacos in Bozeman.